
Using Instagram Features to Your Advantage

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Use Stories to Share Ephemeral Content and Drive Engagement

Instagram Stories are a powerful tool for engaging your audience. Use them to share moments from your daily life, behind the scenes of your business or exclusive announcements. Take advantage of interactive Stories features like polls, questions, or stickers to encourage users to participate and interact with your content.

Organize contests or giveaways to encourage users to subscribe

How do you get followers on Instagram quickly with just one post? By organizing a game with a prize. Users are fond of gifts, which is also an opportunity to introduce them to your products. You can partner with an influencer to gain mass followers.

On the other hand, you must ensure that he and the followers he will bring back share your values.

Encourage your followers to comment on your post. This could be a simple code you gave them or a quiz. You will then draw the correct answers at random. You can also invite them to share your post with all their followers on Instagram or others.

Among the competition criteria, require a subscription to your Instagram account. Still, select the profile that can join you at the risk of expanding a poor-quality community. This tip will increase your number of subscribers. Read More

This tip is only practical if you offer consistency to your subscribers. The prizes must be attractive enough to encourage Instagram users to subscribe. It is also essential that the type of game you organize is relevant to the target to have more followers.

Collaborate with influencers or other brands to reach new audiences.

Look for partners whose audience matches your target audience and offer mutually beneficial collaborations, such as account takeovers, cross-posting, or cross-referrals.

Actively engage with the Instagram community to get more followers

To gain more followers on Instagram, engaging with your community and actively creating authentic connections is crucial. Here are some tips and methods to increase your number of subscribers :

Follow other relevant users in your field

A practical method to attract attention to your Instagram account is to follow users interested in your content or who belong to your target audience. Following these accounts can attract their attention and encourage some users to follow you. The Instagram account below follows, for example, 427 reports.

Regularly like and comment on other users’ posts.

More followers means more work that requires time and investment. To find out how to get followers on Instagram, you can contact everyone to get started.

Afterwards, you must choose your community carefully for a quality exchange. It would help if you interacted in the comments of your publications and your connections. You must devote one to two hours daily to your Instagram account to stay active and visible.

An active account promotes the acquisition of more followers. This allows you to move up in the feeds and optimize your connection with other charges. As much as possible, react and respond to comments on your Instagram posts as quickly as possible. The goal is to engage in an honest exchange with your Instagram followers.

Thank the compliments.

Respond with encouragement to continue the conversation.

Treat negative comments left by your followers with courtesy. The golden rule on social networks is never to delete them.

Please read our article on engagement rate to find out more.

Before dedicating your time to your Instagram community, carefully select the accounts and posts with which to interact. React, give your opinion, and answer questions about positions with real added value for you and your visibility. However, be careful not to self-promote in the comments at the risk of being penalized.

Use Instagram Pods to increase mutual engagement between users

Instagram Pods are groups of people with similar interests who engage with each other by liking and commenting on each other’s posts. Joining a pod can help you increase your posts’ engagement and visibility and attract new followers interested in your content.

Participate in discussions in popular groups and hashtags

Groups and hashtags are potent ways to engage with specific communities on Instagram. Join relevant groups in your field and participate in discussions by sharing ideas and advice or answering questions. Also, use popular hashtags in your posts to increase your visibility to a broader audience.

Promote your Instagram account on other platforms.

To gain more followers on Instagram, promoting your account on other platforms is essential. Here are some tips to help you expand your audience:

Include links to your Instagram account on your website and social media profiles

Use your website, blog, and other social media profiles to promote your Instagram account. Embed social media icons with direct links to your Instagram account so visitors can easily follow you. This will grab the attention of your existing audience and encourage them to join you on Instagram.

Share your Instagram posts on Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

More than a single social network is required in an ultra-competitive environment. You must be present, at least on Facebook and Instagram. But there are now Snapchat, Tik Tok and Twitter, which are excellent opportunities for your business. To gain followers on Instagram, you need to talk about your account on all the social networks where you are active.

After Facebook purchased Instagram, linking the two accounts is possible. So you can instantly post the same content to both versions. You have twice as much visibility with your Facebook friends and followers on Instagram, but you also save twice as much time.

Furthermore, Facebook’s algorithm could be more favourable to hashtags in abundance. Once the publication is made, it is best to delete the hashtags on Facebook manually. Note that each network has its specifications and is constantly evolving. For example, the 2023 TikTok algorithm will be different from the 2022 TikTok algorithm.

Facebook allows users to find friends by suggestion. So, you can add friends of your friends who will become your future followers on Instagram. This link is handy if you are new to Instagram but already have many followers on Facebook.

You can provide different content on all social networks. Community managers even advise diversifying posts depending on the platform to avoid too many duplicates.

Use Email Marketing to Promote Your Instagram Account to Your Followers

Email marketing is a great way to promote your Instagram account to your follower list. Send regular newsletters with a roundup of recent posts, exclusive tips, and incentives to follow you on Instagram for access to additional content. Also, add call-to-action buttons in your emails to make subscribing to your Instagram account easier.

Regularly sort your Instagram account.

Despite your investment and efforts to gain followers, not all your Instagram posts are always successful. Some posts will generate more interest than others among your Instagram followers. Take advantage of the results to find the type of content that interests your followers on Instagram.

Try to provide posts from this angle. Don’t hesitate to archive Instagram posts you like less to keep those that receive more likes.

It would help if you also sorted the followers on Instagram. Check if the accounts you follow follow yours—otherwise, unsubscribe. This means that your feed does not interest them and that they do not correspond to your target.

Unless you like its content, subscribing to it is utterly useless. Remember, if your activities aren’t relevant, Instagram’s algorithm will have difficulty ranking you.

Take advantage of this retrospective to redefine your content strategy if necessary. Consider whether you need to create content that is more entertaining, more serious, or more informative. Don’t hesitate to ask for opinions from your followers on Instagram for your next posts. Posts in the form of questions are those that generate the most engagement.

Also Read: Dominating YouTube SEO: A Comprehensive Guide in 2023!!

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