


Whether you are a professional influencer or a business that wants to work on your Instagram account, gaining new followers takes time and effort. Increasing your number of followers should not be at the expense of their quality. Today, we will offer you simple techniques to increase your number of Instagram followers in a relevant way and, above all, to create a community around your brand.

Techniques to quickly gain Instagram subscribers

While there are no magic recipes for gaining followers on Instagram, a few best practices can save valuable time. White hat, tolerated by Instagram, sometimes black hat, not recommended by the network. These methods will significantly help you.

Promote your Instagram… outside the platform!

To grow on Instagram, you sometimes look for your fans outside the platform. Without knowing it, you indeed have a lot of elements that will allow you to acquire new subscribers.

Link your Instagram account to other social networks.

Did you know that Facebook bought Instagram? This is an opportunity for your company to link its two social networks. For what? You can invite your friends to follow you on Instagram and connect your Instagram account to your Facebook. Finally, you can also post on both social networks simultaneously. Be careful, however, to avoid copying and pasting your posts. This can become redundant for your followers and drive them away click here.

Talking about your Instagram in “real life.”

Your activity means you are in contact with people who could be exciting subscribers to your Instagram account. So don’t hesitate to promote it during your meetings!

Your other digital platforms

You may have a website on which you can promote your account or even a database that you use for your emails. There are so many elements to exploit to highlight your new social history.

Follow/unfollow and like risky but effective!

Officially prohibited by Instagram, this technique remains widely used and, above all, very effective. Find an influencer with a community similar to the one you are targeting and start following around a hundred of their subscribers every day. No more; otherwise, you risk being deprived of the possibility of following accounts for a few days as a sanction. The following day, unfollowing them allows you to avoid inflating your number of subscriptions too much. If your content is relevant and your targeting is qualitative, this little highlight will be enough for you to gain many subscribers every day.

Similar logic for the Instagram like or comment

Note that the like and the comment follow the same logic. However, be careful with the volume you carry out each day: caution is also required! Note that specific software makes it possible to automate the practice, but Instagram also hunts them.

Mastered advertising to acquire Instagram followers

The “white hat” version consists of setting up the paid Instagram option. By targeting the location, gender, age and, above all, the interests of the users you are interested in, you can sponsor your posts to display them to a relevant audience. The “safest” way to gain subscribers, but you have to checkout.

Gain Instagram followers with a long-term strategy

Behind these methods, you must have relevant, coherent and long-term content. The success of an Instagram account is achieved above all over time. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Be sure to follow these rules and the previous techniques. Otherwise, they risk being ineffective.

Think content strategy and more than just pretty photos.

The first thing to consider is when you will create or take over an existing Instagram. Instagram is not just a social network where you post pretty photos to get an account relevant to your business. Of course, this will help you, but if you think globally and work on a real content strategy, it will be much more interesting in the long term. For what? Because you will acquire more followers by doing this, you will also have better retention of them with more engagement.

The universe of your account, the choice of your publication feed

The brand universe is a powerful communication tool when used well. In addition to the fact that it allows you to work on your image, the aesthetic aspect is at the centre of its users’ concerns on Instagram. Your news feed must, therefore, be the perfect reflection of your world. The colours, the theme or even a specific style in creating your posts is just as important as the post itself. The image must be worked on and, above all, make your future followers want to follow you and reshare your content to gain more influence.

Stories, ephemeral but engaging content

It is a full-fledged tool for an effective media communication strategy. Instagram stories have great engaging power, allowing you to post news and publications that you don’t necessarily want to highlight on your feed. It is also a commercial tool in its own right. Promoting a promotion or product is possible in a differentiating way. It’s up to you to be creative to highlight your activity!

Think about the videos!

One minute, no more! It’s time for videos to be allowed on Instagram, outside of Instagram TV, which is a great way to show what you do or offer differently. Important point: know that social video is one of the most engaging media on the platform and, therefore, often one of the most visible to allow you to conquer new Instagram followers. Tutorial, customer experience, new products or even presentation of the brand are all entry points to enable you to discover your company.

Show behind-the-scenes

The last important point which allows you to work on the trust of your current followers and try to find new Instagram followers is to show the other side of the story. As with films or series, people who follow you or have just discovered you want to know what’s happening behind the scenes. How are the products made? What are the teams? How does the company work? There are so many points that you can highlight in your corporate Instagram.

Interact with your followers to create engagement.

A brand that only communicates in one sense is a brand that, except in specific cases, will not progress quickly on social networks—Instagram, like its other web cousins, places pride of place on interaction and feedback. Your future followers will pay attention to the facts whether or not you interact with them. It’s an excellent way to promote them and yourself because they will talk about you!

Reply to comments

Your reputation can quickly be at stake if you don’t take the time to respond to comments. This is one of the strong points of all social networks: this interactivity is time-consuming but allows Internet users to feel closer to your company. This is one of the only avenues that will enable them to communicate “directly” with you in a non-commercial way most of the time. So, take the time to respond to comments. It will improve your image. Visit

Share your customers’ content.

In marketing, we often talk about paid, owned and earned media. Concretely, it is the visibility you can acquire in different ways: by paying for it (advertising), your notoriety and above all, the part that interests you, the amount that you can “earn”. Concretely, the posts your followers will make related to your brand will provide free visibility that you can exploit and amplify simply by sharing this content.

Like their content

What’s better than liking what people do on your brand? You then kill two birds with one stone! You value your company’s users, but you also let all your followers know it. So, you have a good chance of gaining a new share of followers who know you but have yet to follow you.

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